[📉📈 GAds] It would appear that the answer is #2! 👇

A few days ago I published a post highlighting a drop in audience in Google Ads in conjunction with Google’s release of Consent Mode v2: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7173234302002929664/

Several hypotheses were made, including the impact of CoMo v2 considering the panic generated on GA4, where many users were faced with a drop due to the non-implementation of the previous Consent Mode.

🎈 As the days passed, I continued to monitor the situation, and if at that time the audiences seemed to “deflate” day by day tending to 0, today it is possible to observe that for those same days the situation has changed.

At this point, among the hypotheses formulated at the time the one that seems most likely is number 2, namely:

2️⃣ A bug in the UI, the audiences are there, you can’t see it but you can use it

The word “bug” might be a misnomer, since it seems to be a consistent behavior that has been observed and is still present in the days just gone by. So it seems that some reworking time is needed before this information appears in the interface.

Are you also noticing the same behavior?
Do we want to “validate” answer #2 or do you have other hypotheses? 👇

Post on Linkedin