GA4 Consent Mode v2 Effects

With Google’s requirement to implement/update the new version of CoMo starting March 6 2024, you will be faced with several scenarios:

✅ If you have already implemented CoMo v1, you will not notice any difference.

☑ On the other hand, if you have NOT implemented CoMo v1 yet, and you will:

👉 If you are using GA 360, you will see a drop in traffic that CANNOT be recovered;

👉 If you use GA4 and your traffic does NOT reach the minimum modeling threshold, you will see a drop in traffic that CANNOT be recovered;

👉 If you use GA4 and your traffic exceeds the minimum modeling threshold, you will see a drop in traffic that CANNOT be recovered but will, at best, go back up after 2 weeks:

The drop in traffic is related to users who have not accepted statistics cookies.

Are you ready for the drop or have you already faced it? 🙂

Potrebbe interessarti anche “The Dark Side of Consent Mode V2“.

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